USPS Saturation Data

Threo Marketing has the most complete and accurate USPS saturation resident data file available today. With virtually every deliverable address in the United States, you can use saturation data from USPS to target any geographic location including state, county, city, zip code, postal route, radius around a zip code. Gain access to every household in the nation with our saturation data. Our file is made up of more than 250,000,000 addresses throughout all 50 states, more than twice as complete as the next closest file.

An excellent choice for “saturation” mailings to all households in an area allows you to select addresses by zip code, specific mail delivery routes of within a certain radius of your location. Labels are addressed to “resident” instead of a name, which ensures the highest deliverability. We also offer the option of including a contact name, as available.

Every Resident Mailing list is automatically pre-sorted and qualifies your mailing for the lowest possible postage rate. Our resident database is compiled directly from U.S. Postal Service information and U.S. Census Bureau data. This file includes every street address, every post office box and every rural route address.

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