TRID Lets Borrowers Sue Lenders Over Non-Compliant Third-Party Vendor Lists and Marketing service Agreements.

Without MSA’s in place to encourage lenders and real estate companies to work together, mortgage lenders, brokers, and loan officers will have to make a concerted effort to acquire new business. TRID heightens the risks associated with vendor referrals.

Marketing services agreements between lenders and service providers are falling along with lender referral relationships.

Developed to overcome this mess TRID has caused to MSA’s, there’s a completely new marketing technique that you can take advantage of to keep referrals coming in and generate new leads nationwide. There are NO referral fees to put on your closing disclosures so you will stay in total compliance with TRID.

Get in touch with borrowers that meet your lending requirements and are interested in moving forward or let them contact you directly.

Our full service marketing firm or outside provider of marketing services, leads, training, direct mail, data lists, etc. will generate interest from borrowers trying to qualify for the services you offer. Nothing is easier than letting a professional take care of a problem that’s outside of your wheelhouse. We know marketing and we know the mortgage industry. You know lending and how to sell your products to people in the market. We get you in front of those people.

Whether you use leads, direct mail, data lists, telemarketing, live transfers, or any other marketing strategy, we get you in touch with those consumers pre-qualified for the loan products you offer. And everything we do is completely transparent so you can within the new TRID guidelines.

Stop trying to get around TRID. Call us and work within the rules while growing your business like never before.


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