On Friday, February 19, 2016, Google confirmed that it’s changing up how it shows text ads on desktop searches. Cutting text ads shown by more than 35%.
How will this impact your advertising?
Removing all text ads from the right-hand side of the page on desktop searches and putting them only on the top and bottom of the search results will result in more traffic for top ad’s and more competition to get top placement.
What Does This Mean for Marketers?
Showing only 1-4 paid ads above naturally top ranked results will increase demand for those placements. The rest of the ads will appear at the bottom of the search engine results page.
Why Change The Most Profitable Marketing Strategy in History?
A lot of speculations, but according to one of the first sources to break the story, it’s because “Google has determined the average click-through-rate for Right-Hand-Side Ads is poor” across all verticals. And “the expected CPC inflation from this major change is projected to more be profitable in the long run.”
More Profitable For Who?
A fourth additional ad will be placed at the top for “highly commercial queries” (well-paid searches) such as hotels, car insurance and etc.
There are two exceptions to this rule: Google’s product listing ad (PLA) boxes and ads that show up in the knowledge panel. These will reportedly still show on the right.
It’s designed to be a triple win. For Google, for the advertisers, and for the consumers.
What Are The Benefits?
More Relevant Results = More Traffic = More Conversions = More Profits for Google and Advertisers while also providing an improved shopping experience for buyers.
Less tricks available to “trick” your way to the top.
More credible results overall.
What Problems Could We Be Facing?
Cost per click will almost certainly go up drastically.
Competing with large companies could be almost impossible. Unless you know how to get creative. Quality Scores will now be a MAJOR factor with ad placement.
Google has been testing this concept for years (we’ve read they have been testing this concept as far back as 2010) in other countries around the world. It’s shown to work better for both consumers and advertisers by eliminating the advertiser’s ability to sneak up to the top and delivering more relevant results for buyers consistently.
Read all about the Google changes: Here
“Confirmed: Google To Stop Showing Ads on Right Side of Desktop Search Results Worldwide” appeared first on Search Engine Land.
“The Media Image: Google To Remove Right Hand Side Ads On Desktop?”